
Lion’s Share. Remaking South African Copyright

Duke University Press, 2022

Reason and Resonance. 

A History of Modern Aurality

Zone Books, 2010

Music, Modernity, and the Global Imagination. 

South Africa and the West

Oxford University Press, 1999


Performance, Power, and Practice in South Africa

University of Chicago Press, 1996

ISBN 0-226-21721-3

Arnold Rubin Outstanding Publication Award, Arts Council of the African Studies Association

Honorable Mention, Chicago Folklore Prize

African Stars. 

Studies in Black South African Performance

University of Chicago Press, 1991

ISBN 0-226-21724-8


Une cérémonie d'initiation au culte de possession bòorii 

des Hausa de la région de Maradi (Niger)

Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin, 1989

Out of print (download

Music and the Islamic Reform in the Early Sokoto Empire

Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner Wiesbaden, 1986

Out of print (download)

Die Macht des Wortes. 

Priesgesang und Berufsmusiker bei den Fulbe des Diamaré (Nordkamerun)

Klaus Renner, 1980

Out of print (download vol. 1) (download vol. 2)


Eine literarisch-musikalische Gattung der Fulbe des Diamaré (


Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin, 1979

Out of print (download)